That night of Street photography

A night of Street photography

Whats up everyone? It’s once again a busy Monday. Welcome back to the Albert photo studio. Today I’m going to talking about Street photography.   

What is street photography?

Street photography is candid photography of life and human nature. It is a way for us to show our surroundings, and how we as photographers relate to them. We are filtering what we see, to find the moments that intrigue us, and to then share them with others. It’s like daydreaming with a camera.

The photograph does not need to be taken in a city, or in a busy market. It can be taken anywhere, and can portray nearly anything, as long as it isn’t posed or manipulated. It can be shot at a family barbecue, or in the middle of George St.

The street is the most public and accessible of places. Street photography is the most public and accessible form of photography. Anyone can do it. You do not need an expensive camera. You do not need a big studio, professional lighting, or beautiful models. We all have the same content out there, and it’s up to us to figure out how to capture that and bring it home.

The inspiration
Source: Internet 
There is a inspired me during the recent street photography, sometimes what you have seen might not be the fact.

I was walking on the George Street toward to the Town hall station in the middle of night after a long day of taking photographs. A homeless man walked towards me and asks for some spare changes. I refuse to give him coins and pass through him quickly. He stared at me disappointedly and moved on and asked the other pass byers. But after walk passed him I was staring at him by the junction of the street and wondering why he needed money for. I thought he needed to buy drugs or cigarettes for himself. After hours of observation, the flow on the street increases, people start to go work, the man stood up and held his old dog in his arm and limped of the spot he was begging for the whole night. From a distance, I had no clue where he was walking towards. I followed him until he walked into a supermarket, and bought a canned dog food for his dog. That was all he can afford.


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