Welcome back, Jake!


By: Finn (Nicole Nathalie Tan)

It's been a week since our last adventure!

Now it's time for a little coffee break at...

So, Jake, here's a little back story of why Parramatta is so close to my heart.

(c) Google Maps
Aside from it's red heart-looking shape in the map,
Parramatta is simply the main place I had my
most memorable experiences with family and friends!

When I moved here in Sydney, the first place I went to for sight-seeing is Parramatta, NSW. 

With my cousin and her closest friends living inside the village of the Western Sydney University, my firsts have mostly happened in Parramatta.

First friends.

Due to the fact that my cousin has been living in Sydney for the last 2 years, she was able to make this huge circle of friends. From different race and culture, it was so heartwarming seeing how we all gathered there and having a lot of fun with each other's company. Kevin, Hira, and Claire might be the top 3 people I love in her circle of friends that has now become my circle as well.

First dinner with friends and family.

When I moved here in Sydney, my aunt who is sponsoring my studies here, went and visited my cousin and her friends in Parramatta. We ended up eating together just like how we eat together for dinner in the Philippines. For the next 3 years, I will not be able to go back home unless I got my degree with me. This is why I am savouring every single time I spend with my family while they are still with me.

First night out.

Of course, as one of the normal and typical teenager, drinking with friends is a must from time to time. We didn't actually go to a club or bar. But instead, we had a small house party at a friend's house where everyone chipped in with food and drinks. 

Loud music + good food + great people = Perfect Recipe for FUN 

First sleep over.

As the night quickly came, of course, everyone decided to sleep together in one room. Imagine having 10 people in a single room with one bed. Yup. We were like a canned of sardines.

But what I love most in Parramatta is my new found Study Place!


I am the type of person who wouldn't be able to study in a really quiet place. This is why the ambiance of the new found coffee place I have is giving me an adrenaline rush to study! 

Behoooooold, Jake!

My chocolate and coffee paradise in Parramatta!

My Motivation.
As the typical hopeless romantic person that I am,
I guess this is what caught my attention most.

Who doesn't want a sweet and aromatic love story, right?
I know I do.

1 table. 2 chairs.
Wouldn't it be nice if your very own love story
starts with a "Hey, wanna grab coffee with me?"
My Sanctity. 
Diabetese runs in my family but sometimes
"what can kill you makes you stronger."

Who doesn't have a sweet tooth, right?
I know I do.

A little bit of chocolate wouldn't hurt.
Just like a little bit of sweetness and affection from you, Jake.
My Remedy.  
Seeing a lot of people come and go,
this perfect scenario makes me rethink of my daily life.

Who doesn't acknowledge good design and aesthetics, right?
I know I do.

It is just so mesmerizing to see how the colors,
the patterns, and the interior design of this coffee place
has been so consistent and comforting.

So, everyone, if you ever to passby at the Parramatta Station,
just give this place a go and you'll see for yourself
this feeling!

7 Territories in Australia: 
ACT | NSW | NT | QLD | SA | VIC | WA

Alexandria | Black Town | Bondi Junction | Castle Hill |
Charles Town | Chippendale | Kensington | Manly |
Narellan | Newtown | North Ryde | Parramatta |
Westfield Sydney | Tuggerah | Ultimo | Wollongong

And that's it!

Thank you, Jake!

See you again soon, buddy!

(c) Google Images


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