Restaurant Review: Thai Break in Macquarie Park

What up fam it's ya boy Max again. Today I'm reviewing a place where I literally only ever go to get the fried tofu because that fried tofu, oof, it's good baby. No spoilers for the review. But yeah it's good. I'm talking about Thai Break!

Thai Break itself, home of fried tofu. Source: Sydney Tum Tum.
So Thai Break. It's located in the gorgeous and very scenic Macquarie Center, about 30 seconds walk from the bus stop that I get off at to get to uni. Sometimes I get to uni and I decide to just spend the day at Thai Break instead. Hahaha. Just kidding. You should have seen the look on your face though.

Nah legit, I've been to Thai Break a bunch of times to get food for people before a rehearsal or whatever. They got good pad thai and stuff. They even have a great and extensive vegan menu. Take a squiz for yourself baby.

The vegan menu. Source: Zomato.
UH OH. HOLD ON A SECOND. What's that third vegan entree? Yeah, it's mother flipping fried tofu.

Now this stuff. Ooh boy. What a revelation. I've eaten fried stuff. And I've eaten tofu. But combining the two? GAME. CHANGER. I tried to make my own at home and baby it was GARBAGE. Thai Break is doing some magic in the kitchen. Also the peanut sauce they serve it with is heavenly.

Now, do I have a picture of this fried tofu? No. But here's the closest equivalent I could find.

SOLID. GOLD. Source: MEC Mining.
Anyway the fried tofu is good.

Stuff You Should Know:
 Final Rating:

An unquestionable FIVE OUT OF FIVE. Unless they stop making fried tofu in which case ABSOLUTE ZERO!


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