Palm Beach Shenanigans

Activity type: Walk and Paddle
Distance: All within 1km of the car park
Difficulty: Easy as!
Fun Levels: Through the Roof!

In the past few blogs I’ve shown you some great land based spots for you to visit. But what if you crave the salty water and sea legs? Today’s post is for you. But before I get carried away, if you are a land lover there is still plenty in store for you so stick around.

Palm Beach is one of Sydney’s most scenic coastal settings, Located at the top of the Northern Beaches. I don’t fancy your chances of buying a house here, but why not come and visit for the day.

Barrenjoey Light House
Barrenjoey light house is located atop the headland at Palm Beach. A quick 20-minute walk will position you at the base of an enormous white light house, endless coastline stretching out on both sides. The light house and its historically listed residency were built in 1881 and from this vantage point as you look north you glimpse the various inlets and headlands of the central coast, with the majority of Sydney’s coastline looking south. This location will make for a perfect picnic spot without being a challenging walk for kids, the elderly, or the slow poke.

Photo of Barrenjoey taken by The Daily Telegraph
If you are more adventurous and want splash about, head around the corner to Paddle Craft Sydney and hire a kayak for a couple of hours. Paddle out to Scotland island or Lion island and explore for yourself these little isolated pockets of nature. Cruise around Pittwater and check out the pretty houses lining the fore shore. Because this area is more protected from the ocean you can enjoy a refreshing salty swim without being thrown about by the waves of the open seas.
Picture from EcoTreasures
Tips for the romantic
If you are anything like me and enjoy the more romantic side of nature, here’s two tips that will float your kayak. I recommend kayaking early in the morning as the water is often calm and few are out and about, if you can make it for sunrise this will add that extra beauty to the experience. Secondly, if you happen to have the time next full moon, head up Barrenjoey hill and let the moonlight light up the coastline and sea cliffs. This is a rare and unique experience, no one will disturb your peace as you take it in as few would think of climbing a headland at night time. Just watch you take care of yourself and don’t go to close to the edge of the cliffs!

Enjoy your adventuring crew!



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