Camping on a Cockatoo

Activity type: Camping
Distance: Its a short ferry ride from the city
Difficulty: Nooooone!
Fun Levels: Funnest!

Folks its my final for a little while and I thought i would give you some homework... Camping!
But you don't even have to leave the centre of Sydney for this one. I am not referring to pitching your abode in Martin Place (although some people do i am lead to believe). I am of course talking about camping on Cockatoo Island!

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Whilst I have made it my task to help you explore the natural side of Sydney, today will be a hybrid adventure where nature and urban city go out for a coffee and bump into history on the way.

Not too long ago I joined my family in exploring this island and check out what it had to offer. This is a must see location in Sydney offering the industrial beauty of the harbours past which has been so thoroughly covered up by modern urban structures. The island is a looking glass into the cities past with many of the ship yards and rusted equipment remaining on the island. The island began as a prison in the early 1800's, becoming a ship building precinct, a naval base, and finally a tourist attraction for you and I to enjoy.

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The sandstone outcrop that forms the heart of the island is cut through by a myriad of tunnels which act as an exciting maze as you adventure around the island. Not all of the structures are brutal relics of an industrial past. The fine architecture of the historical residency adorns the top of the outcrop.

Now about that wildlife... The island is named after the sulphur crested cockatoos which make the island their home. Being in the centre of the harbour the waters surrounding are teaming with fish and marine wildlife. However, it is the beauty of being by the water its self and the presence of the mammoth sandstone cliffs that give the island such a refreshing connection to nature whilst remaining right in the heart of Sydney City.

Camping costs start at $45 if you bring your own tent and $89 if you use the permanent tents. This experience is well worth it as you can watch the city light up at night and feel the cool breeze of the water as you nod off to sleep. One very important tip is to make sure you bring some ear plugs because close proximity to other tents can make it hard to fall asleep.

For More Information and bookings check out the link below:
Cockatoo Island

Enjoy your adventures!



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