Turning Over a New Leaf

Moving into Sydney, leaving everything I had and everyone I know seemed like a huge gamble. As I boarded my flight on 25th July, my heart raced faster and faster as I was getting nearer to Sydney. However I never could have imagine how amazing Sydney turnout to be.
Unfortunately my first hour in Sydney did not start out well since I wasn’t prepare for the chilling weather. Insomniac, tired and jetlagged I managed to attend university where I met my pals from MUBSA(Macquarie University Bangladeshi Student Association). After class we went to a long drive which will always stick to my heart forever.
 As I discovered Sydney I couldn’t believe my eyes. Gradually I fell in love with Sydney with every passing seconds as I discover more. After I went back home it was dawn, the sunrise in Sydney sky was majestic view. It seemed this was how Sydney was welcoming me.

Please join me as I explore rest of the city and share my experiences with you via my blog.


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